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Haha, the accompanying helpful text says “Text in there is for inspiration”.

The only inspiring thing I can think of is “don’t be like me”. The only reason, I have started this page is to protect my sanity.

That is about as inspiring as I get.

However, I can tell you a story about me.

When I left school, I listened to friends and teachers. “Oh you have to go to university blah blah blah!!!!!”.

so I did. The university said “Oh you have to get a job”.

so I did. At work they said “Oh you have to get a wife, children, a huge debt, a house and work yourself to death.”

so I looked but could not find anything resembling a worthy relationship

“I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”

― Marilyn Monroe

Maybe I dodged a bullet. From what I have found most people (men, women, and other) have the same attitude but significantly overestimate their value.

After a brush with the law (see article entitled “The Loli Debate”) and becoming ill, I became more depressed and isolated, some 30-odd years on medication and therapy, little has change - either for me or it seems society. People are much like me, more depressed and isolated than ever. Suicides are at a greater rate than at anytime in history

I guess my story is this. If someone reads this (you don’t need to necessarily need to support) and it helps to make you feel better. If it distracts you from being stuck in your head. If it helps distract you from any suicidal thoughts or actions then:

I will count that as a win and hope that is inspiration enough.

I used up all on my “Community Descripton” on my demented ramblings, so I had not room for interests.

“It’s not about reciprication, it’s just all about me. A sycophantic, prophetic, socratic junkie wannabe … oh and you say I’m such a cliche, I can’t see the difference in it anyway.” (If you know, you know)

I will list a few here:

  • Spending way too much time online
  • Video Games
  • Being a fairweather fan of sports.
  • Professional Wrestling
  • Pointing out other’s grammar flaws or flaws in general (yes I am one of those, not much of a fan of having my own flaws pointed out - funny that)

My plan at least is to start with written articles and see where that takes us. I am currently looking to become proficient using Blender, Dall-E 2, Unity, and some other tech stuff. Hopefully, this will help me develop a Youtube or Rumble channel around short stories or videos. I may look to develop video games depending on time, scope, and cost but the “longest journey begins with a single step.” Laozi, Tao Te Ching.

Anyway until we meet again in Valhalla!!!!.


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